Promoting equality between women and men and prohibiting discrimination

– Promoting gender equality

The measures envisaged by this project are equally targeted at people of both sexes and their effects and project results are the same for people of both sexes. All activities in the Project, including the employment of new associates, are planned to enable gender and gender equality. The project team is equally represented by researchers of both sexes (6 out of 13 active members of the project team are female). Dissemination activities are planned to remove gender stereotypes and include positive role models. In all promotional materials for target groups and public addresses about the project, people of both sexes are addressed equally, without stereotypical ideas about gender roles.

– Promoting equal opportunities and non-discrimination

In accordance with the Law on Gender Equality and the Rules of Procedure of the Applicant Institution, when planning the Project, special attention is paid to the protection of Project associates, target groups and end users of Project results from any form of discrimination including race or ethnicity , sex, language, religion, political or other belief, national or social origin, property status, membership or non-membership in a political party, membership or non-membership in a trade union, social status, marital or family status, age, health status, disability, genetic heritage , expressing gender identity or sexual orientation.

Accessibility for people with disabilities

– Information and communication accessibility

All project results as well as publications will be or are available through open platforms and the project website. Special attention is paid to informing persons with disabilities about the results of the Project, and as part of the visibility and promotion activities, a website was created in accordance with the Guidelines for Ensuring Accessibility of Network Content. We are constantly checking the accessibility of the website and we will continue to improve it.

Sustainable development

– green public procurement

The activities within the project are focused on activities that encourage environmental protection and sustainable consumption and production.

– climate challenges

The activities within the project are aimed at solving climate challenges, and when developing a standardization system related to energy efficient construction, all relevant factors that may have an impact on climate change (“gray” and “green” measures) will be taken into account. Since the goal of the project is the methodology of developing a standardization system related to energy efficient construction, all promotional activities and informing the public about the project emphasize the importance of green building for the future of construction, and for the future of environmental protection.

– resource efficiency

The goal of the project activities is also focused on the efficient use of resources, and when developing a standardization system related to energy efficient construction, all relevant factors that may affect the better efficiency of resource use are taken into account.

All waste generated as part of project activities is disposed of in the prescribed manner, using established procedures at the institution of the applicant and the partner. Care is also taken to ensure that recyclable waste is separated and disposed of in designated areas. For this purpose, a plan for waste collection and storage at the project level has been prepared, in particular for the test site.

– the principle of green growth

Activities (industrial research) are carried out for solutions that encourage better efficiency of resource use (development of an automated system for standardization of resources in energy efficient construction which will enable better efficiency of resource use in construction).